Heather's 3rd Great Grandparents, Paternal
My Lumbard Line to Nina Lumbard
My Scharf Line to Nina Lumbarf
Skip Straight to J. A. Lumbards Civil War Account here:
Joseph A. Lumbard
(illegitimate ?) son of Josiah Lumbard & Mary Ann Stom
Born Jan 5 1844
Died Dec 3 1915
Married June 19 1866
Sarah Ethel Scharf
daughter of Joseph & Anna Elizabeth (Kurtz?) Scharf
Born 14 May 1845
Died 10 Feb 1929
Laura Lumbard
Lucy Irene Lumbard 1867 –
Anna May Lumbard 1869 –
Maude V. Lumbard 1871 –
George Mead Lumbard 1874 – 1925
Sarah Ethel Lumbard 1878 –
Camp on the Rapidan Sept. 22nd 1863
Co. “B,” 6th Reserves was recruited in Snyder and Union counties. Chas. il. Roush of New Berlin, Union County , was selected as Captin, while Levi Epler and William
Co. “B” represented Snyder Counry in the battles of Groveton, or second Mannassas. The 6th reserves with the rem ainder of the Division at rived on the ground on the 19th of August 1862 , and was moved from posit ion to position. On the following day the regiment made a galnnt charge uniter the direct command of Cen. John F. Reynolds’ their Division Commander. This was the company’s first general battle and t hey did honor to their county and State.
Co. “B” participated in the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsyivania, and especially distinguished itself In the tattle of Bethesda Church , where only about 150 strong It captured 110 Rebels belonging to Hills Corps, and buried 70 Rebels in its immediate front.
E. Hackenterg and David A. Stahl.
June 14th, 1864 . A number of its
The PA 147th in the Civil War - and the McClure Bean Soup Reunions
My Lumbard Line to Nina Lumbard
My Scharf Line to Nina Lumbarf
Skip Straight to J. A. Lumbards Civil War Account here:
Joseph A. Lumbard
(illegitimate ?) son of Josiah Lumbard & Mary Ann Stom
Born Jan 5 1844
Died Dec 3 1915
Married June 19 1866
Sarah Ethel Scharf
daughter of Joseph & Anna Elizabeth (Kurtz?) Scharf
Born 14 May 1845
Died 10 Feb 1929
Laura Lumbard
Lucy Irene Lumbard 1867 –
Anna May Lumbard 1869 –
Maude V. Lumbard 1871 –
George Mead Lumbard 1874 – 1925
Sarah Ethel Lumbard 1878 –
Time Line:
1844 - Joseph Lumbard is born.
January 5
On J.A. Lumbard's father:
Joseph's death certificate lists Josiah Lumbard as his father.
This is from an oral family history interview done by Howard Scharf: "Joseph Lumbard was born in Selinsgrove. His father was a traveling salesman from New England and in those days a salesman came to town by train or canal boat and would stay in town for several days. Joseph Lumbard was illegitimate, His father never returned to Selinsgrove but he had a sister from Danville who used to come and visit."
Possibly Joseph's Sister ? http://notheathersgen.blogspot.com/2017/03/almeda-lucretia-lumbard-1842-1911.html
1845 - Sarah Ethel Scharf is born
Possibly Joseph's Sister ? http://notheathersgen.blogspot.com/2017/03/almeda-lucretia-lumbard-1842-1911.html
1845 - Sarah Ethel Scharf is born
May 14 1845
Her death certificate confirms that her parents were Joseph & Elizabeth (Kurtz) Scharf.
1860 - Residence
Name: Joseph Duck
Age: 16
Birth Year: abt 1844
Gender: Male
Birth Place: Pennsylvania
Home in 1860: Selinsgrove, Snyder, Pennsylvania
Post Office: Selinsgrove
Family Number: 1333
Value of real estate: View image
Household Members:
Name Age
Jacob Duck 37
Maryann Duck 32
Joseph Duck 16
William Duck 7
Henry Duck 4
Mary Duck 2
(In both 1860 & 1870 Joseph is listed as Joseph Duck. Jacob Duck was his stepfather)
Name Sarah Scharff
Age 14
Birth Year abt 1846
Gender Female
Birth Place Pennsylvania
Home in 1860 Selinsgrove, Snyder, Pennsylvania
Post Office Selinsgrove
Family Number 1305
Household Members
Name Age
Joseph Scharff 38
Ann Scharff 37
John Scharff 16
Sarah Scharff 14
Maria Scharff 12
William Scharff 10
George Scharff 8
Joseph Scharff 6
Jeremiah Scharff 6/12
Franklin Weirick 29
Jacob Baracks 56
1862 - Military Service (Served in the Civil War At Gettysburg)
15 Sep
15 Sep
Written by a grandaughter:
"When grandfather was about 15 he enlisted in the Army and was in the entire Civil War, He was only wounded once, when a piece of shell at Gettysburg hit him back of the ear "
1863- Letter home from the Civil War:
Sept 22
scans of the original letter, which is transcribed below:
Camp on the Rapidan Sept. 22nd 1863
Dear Mother,
Your very long looked for letter at length arrived and was received with great pleasure and satisfaction I am very pleased to hear that you are all well and that things are going so well. We are encamped in sight of the govnt Rebels. We are laying on one side of the Rapidan River and they are on the other. Our Pickets are within shooting distance of each other but since the first day they do not fire on each other. I was down to the river yesterday and there had a very good sight of the rebel soldier big as life on the other side of the stream which is not near as wide as Penns Creek and our pickets are on this side of it. They are very strongly fortified and will make a pretty good show of a fight but I have no doubt but that we will be able to drive them from the mountains upon which they are fortified: There is no telling when the fight will take place as we have had orders to be ready to fall in at a moments notice for the last week, but I think that a fight will very shortly take place. Well, I think that we are ready and will be more than a good match for them. You told me to obey Capt. Davis. There is no danger that I will disobey him I like the Captain very much. He is a brave and good officer and all the boys are very proud of him. He is _________________ and is very kind to me. I am sixth corporal and soon will be fifth. Theodore Parks Is 2nd Lieut. I also like Nel Byers. He has been very kind to me and used me as well as could be expected by ones own brother, but I like the Captain best. I get letters most every week from Mrs. Henry Bright In Sunbury and: you can __________________ and 20 miles around. she has sent me paper and postage stamps. Several times I wrote a long letter to Lock Haven but did not get an answer. I do not know whether she got it or not. I would very much like to hear from her often and if she would answer my letters I would write regular to her. Tell her this in your next letter, give her my address and then she can send: them right on to me. Tell her to address J. .A Lumbard Co. G, 147th PV ft Brig. 2nd Div. 12th Army Corps, Washington, D.C..
I got the postage stamps and all the things you have even sent. Shirts, tea, chocolate, paper, envelopes, handkerchief and so forth. Leut. Byers has not arrived here yet, consequently I did not get the things you sent by him, but will when he comes. ______ told me to keep ____________________________________________________________________ as there is no telling. If I live you will never suffer but should be killed
It might go very hard with you but we will hope for the best. It is all in the hands of the Ruler of the Universe and: as he wills it so it goes and we must think all is for the best. Should I fall it will not be in a Disgraceful manner _____________________________ ______________________that is right and just. Just think what would have become of the people if we had not whipped the Rebel Army at Gettysburg. I seen dozens of
people turned out of their homes and their grain destroyed and houses burnt and in some instances men, women and children killed but we sure drove them out of the old Keystone state and soon hope to see them conquered. Don’t alarm yourself about my writing to that girl I have written my last letter and am satisfied. I just wanted to find out something and; when that is done, I am done also. I did not think she was such a darn fool as to blow about it but would keep it a secret since it has turned out as it did I have written my last to her.
I must bring my letter to a close. Give my best respects to Mrs. Davis. Tell Katy to write another big letter like the last one. Tell me what
Became of______________________________________________________________
you can send; me some this week. Write soon. I remain your affectionate son
J. A. Lumbard
Ms. Davis
Please hand this to .Mrs. Mary Duck. I direct this letter in your name so that mother gets it immediately for fear that she might not send to the office. Am obliged.
Your soldier friend.
J. A. Lumbard
I have in my files his full pension file, as well as his diary from his time in the civil war. It's amazing to have so much information on this man, yet have no real lead on who his father was.
Pension Card, from the Civil War
Personal War Sketch of
Joseph A Lumbard
Who was born the fifth day of January 1844
in Selinsgrove County of Union, now Snyder, State of Pennsylvania
In the midst of the War Of The Rebellion a company was being raised at Selinsgrove PA by Charles Selin Davis, Nelson Byers and others to to to the front in the defence of our National Government. Among those most anxious to join in this patriotic movement was Joseph A. Lumbard, the subject of this sketch.
This occurred on the 26th day of August 1862, On the 15th day of September 1862 at ________ Curtin, Harrisburg PA this _____________________ to the cause of the war. On the 24th day of November 1862 the Company was moved to Bolivar Heights PA, where it was assigned to the 147th Regiment Penna Vol. Infantry and became known as Company G. During the years of his service, Corporal Lumbard participated in the following Battles: Chancellorsville May 1-2-3 1863. Gettysburg July 1-2-3 1863. Lookout Mountain Nov 24 1863 Missionary Ridge Nov 25 1863 Pea Vine Creek Nov 26 1863 Ringold Nov 27 1863. Rocky faced Ridge May 8 1864 Resaca May 15 1864 New Hope Church May 2 1864 Kases Creek June 19 1864 Peach Tree Creek July 26 1864 and the siege of Atlanta July 23 1864 He was with Gen. Sherman's Army in its ____ ______ to the sea; and participated in the siege and capture of Savannah GA Dec 18-24 1864. A few days after the Grand Review at Washington DC to wit June 6th a865 at Bladensburg MD Comrade Lumbard along with the company was honorably discharged from the service. On June 13th 1865 upon his arrival home, he received a joyous welcome from the citizens of his native place. Along with many others he was regarded with the greatest pride and received the ______ ______ of grateful friends for the valor and patriotism he had displayed during the most important events in his ____ ____ career, he wishes us to record the honorable distinction of having enlisted in Co. G, and of belonging to Col. Pardees famous 147th Regt. PV of George's White Star Division of the 12th Army Corps. Comrades included Wm S Keller, Michael S. Schroyer, James P. Ulrich and Frederick B. Ulrich.
I certify that the sketch of my War Service as above written is trues as I ____ believe. Date July 11 1898 Signed J A Lumbard
We certify that Comrade Joseph A. Lumbard joined Capt. C. S. Davis
Post PA 148 Department of Pennsylvania January 22nd 1880 held offices of
Officer of the day - post commander - Sergeant Major - Adjutant
After the war, Joseph became editor of the Snyder County Tribune. This is one of the articles he wrote about the war:
By Hon. J. A. Lumbard
At the present time when the great war which is devastating the greater portion of the old world, the like of which has never been witnessed in any age or country, and which we most sincerely hope will never lie repeated as long as time shall be, our Civil War,” has lost much of its former brilliant anti heroic history which it held in the annals of warfare, up to the breaking out of the great war now going on in Europe. But the Civil War as far as the North is concerned will always lie looked upon by the Civilized Nations of the world, as having been fought for principle. 1-lad the citizens of the North refused to take up arms after the Rebel hordes had fired upon Fort Sumter , Liberty and Free Government would forever have passed from the face of the earth. Ours was a battle for the right, while the desire of the German War Lord, is to make his Empire the pride and boast of the German People at the expense and to the detriment of England Belgium and France.
The history of Snyder ‘county in the Civil War is really the history of the National Government. There were but few battles fought front July 1861 to May 1865 that the sons of Snyder County were not re presented in and held a prominent place in the engagements. Especially is this true of the engagements fought between the Army of the Potomac and the Army of Northern Virginia. The one notable exception is the battle of Bull Run . Snyder County 's three months Soldiers were at ached to C en. Robert Patterson’s Division which win- in the vicinity of Winchester , Va. , watching (ion. Johnstons command. Snyder County furnished hut 5 men for the 3 months services, Jereniah Snyder, Michael Smith, C. H. Snivley Emanuel Sassaman, Oscar Houtz and B. F. houseworth. The last named deserted while the command, the 4th Pa. Vols. was lying at Cockeysville , Md.
Harding of Perry township, Snyder
County were elected 1st and 2d Lts.
respectively and 54 men out of the
115 men were from our County.
This company participated in the battle of T)rainsville, Va. December 20th, 1 1861 , this was the first victory won by the troops of the Army of the Potomac . The 6th Regiment disinguislied itself by charging the Rebel Battery, driving it front Its position and capturing a eassion.
The company distinguished itself at South Mountain , Antietam and later at Fredericksburg , Va. Owing t.o the fact that the 5th was sent to Washington to recruit after Fredericksb mg it did not participate tn Chancellorsville . It took a prominent part in the battle of Gettysburg In charge of Crawford’s Division at the (ft on the evening of the 2nd, and
which closed the day’s hard fight-
It was mustered out of services participated in the Red-River expedition under Gen. Banks ar.d after their return to the army of the l’otoirac distinguished themselves in the hattles of Sailofs Creek and Fisher’s Etill.
The 49th Pennsylvania had attach-ed to it one full con pnny “I” from Snyder Co., and a number of memlers in several of the other Con.panies. “I’ was commanded by Capt. Win. H. Eyers, 1st Lieutenants, Geo.
The company was organized Mar. 4, 1864 , the day President Lincoln was inaugureted President for his second term, for 3 years. Although this company was only requiied to serve one year and two months of its three year enlistment, it did lt's full share of hard fighting. Arriving
at the Rapidan May 4th, it crossed at Germanla Ford,and marched down the Plank Road, the enemy was soon met and Co “I” received Its first baptism of blood In the battle of the Wilderness. The regiment was fired Into at short range, at first It hatted but soon charged the works and captured them, it lay in them all night.
4 members venerated & were annexed to the 191st P. V. I. May 14th,
1864 and served with that command
until the close of the war.
Win. Jarrett, Elias Page, Chas. C. Moyer and Benjamin D. Fry, enlisted in the 5th Reserves and represented Snyder County in the bat-ties urder McClellan on the Peninsula . The 6th Reserves was doing guard duty during the Peninsula campaign at White House Landing.
The 47th P. V. I., commanded by Col. J. P. S. Gobin had seven representatives from Snyder county. Dr. John Y. Shtndel was Asst. Surgeon of the Regin eat, ard four Beavers and two Ulrichs, were members of Co. “C” They On the 9th Gen. John Sedgwick, the lion-hearted Commander of the 6th Corps was killed while selecting a posItion for his corps, to which the 49th was attached,
On the 10th the battle of Spottsylvania Courthouse was fought. Snyder County may well be proud of the record made by Co. “I” In this sanguinary engagem eat. The company lost Its Captain, who then was Capt. Kephart, and 15 enlisted men and a large number of wounded, but owing to the closeness of the lines the majority of the Injured men were killed.
The next engagement was in that “Slaughter Pen” Cold Harbor where the men of Co. “I” acquitted themselves with great gallantry.
Co “I’ participated in the battles of Sailors Creek and Winchester under Gen. Sheridan. Three men of the company, all Selins Grove men, Sergt. Henry Welpert, Corporal Chas. \V. Rhoades and Wm Bottdorf, were killed wIth one shell. They are buried in the National Cemetery at Winchester , Va. Snyder County was represented In several Companies of the 51st P. V I. It will be remembered that it was the 51st Pennsylvania & the 151st New York Regiments who charged the Bridge (known as Burnslde’s Bridge) at Antietam . Another Important service that this command performed was In the Port Royal Expedition.
1866 - Married Sarah Scharf
Sarah (Sally) Ethel Scharf married to Joseph A. Lumbard, June 19, 1866 by Rev. J.P. Shundel of Middleburg.
See their 30th anniversary family photo, labeled, here:
Top left: Lucy Lumbard-Potter, Maude Lumbard-Bausam, Anna Lumbard-McCain. Middle left: Joseph Asher Lumbard, Sarah Scharf-Lumbard. Bottom left: Ethel Lumbard-Smith, George Lumbard.
From the files of Howard Scharf.
He cannot remember who gave this to him, but it was obviously written by
a grandchild of Joseph Lumbard. Possibly by Marjorie Lorentz?
Joseph Lumbard was born in Selinsgrove. His father was a
traveling salesman from New England and in those days a
salesman came to town by train or canal boat and would stay in town for several
days. Joseph Lumbard was illegitimate, His father never returned to Selinsgrove
but he had a sister from Danville
who used to come and visit.
I remember one time when
I was still living in Middleburg and was about four years of age, she came to
visit us, She was dressed in green silk which made a noise when she moved. It
had lots of lace made in the style of the late nineties.
When grandfather was about 15 he enlisted in the Army and
was in the entire Civil War, He was only wounded once, when a piece of shell at
Gettysburg hit him back of the ear. When he returned to Selinsgrove after the
war, he drank too much, I remember two interesting stories about him,
Grandmother would not allow him to kiss her before the marriage, On the way to
the minister (in a buggy he had hired to drive her to be married) he asked for
one kiss and she replied "You have waited this long, you can wait another
After the marriage he still drank. One night he was lying
drunk in the gutter outside of the Methodist
Church in Selinsgrove while a
revival service was going on, He woke up and heard the singing, got up and went
into the church, listened to the sermon and went up front when sinners were
called. He went home sober and never again touched a drop of liquors In those
days almost everyone kept a bottle of whiskey for colds. I know we did in our
house, but Grandfather Lumbard never allowed one in his home.
His mother later married a man named Duck and had several
children. I used to visit her home in
Selinsgrove and knew Hazel Duck. She
used to take me to Rolling Green
Park . Grandpa Duck was dead and Grandmother Duck
earned the living by baking bread. There was a large outdoor oven in the yard
where the bread was baked and it always smelled so good around there. Besides Hazel there were several older girls
who were married and I never knew them, but two brothers moved to Williamsport . When I was 10 or 11 years of age I used to
visit Uncle Edward Duck. He was a floor
walker in the rug dep. Of the big department store there. They were always very nice to me. After my mother had her operation in Williamsport ,
she went to Uncle Eds to get well.
1870 - Residencce
Age: 26
Middleburg, Snyder, Pennsylvania, United States
NAME: J A Lumbard
AGE IN 1870: 27
BIRTH YEAR: abt 1843
BIRTHPLACE: Pennsylvania
HOME IN 1870: Middleburg, Snyder, Pennsylvania
POST OFFICE: Middleburg
J A Lumbard 27
S E Lumbard 25
L J Lumbard 3
A M Lumbard 1
H M Duck 16
1871 - Tribune Moved & Renamed
Age: 27
Snyder County, Pennsylvania, USA
"The Tribune" removed from Middleburg by Joseph Lumbard and renamed "Snyder County Tribune, being one door north of Keystone Hotel.
1872 - President of Cameron-Grant-Hartranft-Allen Club
24 Aug
Age: 28
A Cameron-Grant-Hartranft-Allen Club organized by admiring political supporters. J.A. Lubard, president
1872-secretary at the Republican Senatorial Conference
20 Sep
Age: 28
Selinsgrove Pa
J.A. Lumbard a secretary at the Republican Senatorial Conference in Selinsgrove
1873 -
His editorial feud with Weirick began.
1873 - Occupation
Age: 29
Firm of Lumbard and Lazarus dissolved. J.A. Lumbard becomes owner of "Snyder Co Tribune"
Age: 33
J.A. Lumbard becomes Associate Judge
The Middleburgh Post
(Middleburg, Pennsylvania)
25 Oct 1877, Thu • First Edition
1877- Gives Lecture
29 Oct
Age: 33
Odd Fellows Hall, Snyder County PA
Corporal J.A. Lumbard gives lecture of "Echoes of the Battlefields of the Rebellion" in Odd Fellows Hall for benefit of Company G
1878 - Hosts Celebration
13 Sep
Age: 34
East Pine St, Isle of Que
Company G celebrates 16th anniversary of their leaving for the front, gathering for the day at the home of Corp J.A. Lumbard on East Pine St, Isle of Que
1880 - Residence
Age: 36
Selins Grove, Snyder, Pennsylvania, United States
NAME: Joseph A. Lumbert
AGE: 36
BIRTH YEAR: abt 1844
BIRTHPLACE: Pennsylvania
HOME IN 1880: Selins Grove, Snyder, Pennsylvania
RACE: White
SPOUSE'S NAME: Sarah E. Lumbert
NEIGHBORS: View others on page
Joseph A. Lumbert 36
Sarah E. Lumbert 35
Lucy J. Lumbert 13
Annie M. Lumbert 11
Maude V. Lumbert 9
George M. Lumbert 5
Sarah E. Lumbert 2
1880 - Appointed School Director
13 Apr
Age: 36
J.A. Lumbard is appointed a school director
1887 - Elected Delegate to Republican State Convention
1903- Guests of the District Attorney
The Middleburgh Post
(Middleburg, Pennsylvania)
30 Jul 1903, Thu • First Edition
Miles I Potter was the son in law of JA Lumbard - he married her oldest daughter, Lucy.
1906 - still publishing History
Age: 29
Firm of Lumbard and Lazarus dissolved. J.A. Lumbard becomes owner of "Snyder Co Tribune"
Age: 33
J.A. Lumbard becomes Associate Judge
The Middleburgh Post
(Middleburg, Pennsylvania)
25 Oct 1877, Thu • First Edition
1877- Gives Lecture
29 Oct
Age: 33
Odd Fellows Hall, Snyder County PA
Corporal J.A. Lumbard gives lecture of "Echoes of the Battlefields of the Rebellion" in Odd Fellows Hall for benefit of Company G
1878 - Hosts Celebration
13 Sep
Age: 34
East Pine St, Isle of Que
Company G celebrates 16th anniversary of their leaving for the front, gathering for the day at the home of Corp J.A. Lumbard on East Pine St, Isle of Que
1880 - Residence
Age: 36
Selins Grove, Snyder, Pennsylvania, United States
NAME: Joseph A. Lumbert
AGE: 36
BIRTH YEAR: abt 1844
BIRTHPLACE: Pennsylvania
HOME IN 1880: Selins Grove, Snyder, Pennsylvania
RACE: White
SPOUSE'S NAME: Sarah E. Lumbert
NEIGHBORS: View others on page
Joseph A. Lumbert 36
Sarah E. Lumbert 35
Lucy J. Lumbert 13
Annie M. Lumbert 11
Maude V. Lumbert 9
George M. Lumbert 5
Sarah E. Lumbert 2
1880 - Appointed School Director
13 Apr
Age: 36
J.A. Lumbard is appointed a school director
1882 - Member of Monument Committee
Age: 38
...J.A. Lumbard a member of the Gov. Snyder Monument Assoc committee
1882 - "Keystone Revielle" by J.A. Lumbard
1 Oct
Age: 38
...Initial issue of the "Keystone Revielle" by J.A. Lumbard for E.S. Arnold in the interest of "Sixteeners" (Soldiers Orphan Schools)
Soldiers' Orphans. The Session Of The Sixteeners Yesterday. Resolutions Adopted and Officers Elected For the
J.A. Lumbard, of Selinsgrove, publisher of the Keystone Reveille, and the Colonel McFarland made addresses in favor of the continuation of the soldiers orphan schools.
Atkinson Nominated For Congress. By the Republicans of the Eighteenth District
Date: Wednesday, October 11, 1882 Paper: Patriot (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania) Page: 1
1883 - J.A. Lumbard a school director
10 Apr
Age: 39
Out Over The State
Date: Saturday, August 25, 1883 Paper: Patriot (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania) Page: 2
1885 - Board of Directors for Musical Organization
Musical Organization
1885 Dedication of Gov Snyder monument
27 May
Age: 41
..Dedication of Gov Snyder monument..JA Lumbard on committee
Selinsgrove's Contemplated Water-Works
1887 - Member of Town Council
12 Apr
Age: 43
..JA Lumbard member of town council
1887 - Elected Delegate to Republican State Convention
1888 - Elected secretary at GAR Reunion
24 Apr
Age: 44
Lewistown PA
JA Lumbard elected secretary at Big G.A.R. reunion at Lewistown
1888 -President at rally
24 Sep
Age: 44
Middleburg, Snyder, Pennsylvania
JA Lumbard President of big Republican rally at Middleburg
Stories (1)
1889 - Appointed Clerk
Juniata Sentinel and Republican
(Mifflintown, Pennsylvania)
16 Jan 1889, Wed • First Edition
1889 - Bean Soup Reunion
Age: 45
1890 - Residence
Age: 46
Selinsgrove, Snyder, Pennsylvania, United States
VETERAN'S NAME: Joseph A Lumbard
HOME IN 1890 (TOWNSHIP, COUNTY, STATE): Selinsgrove, Snyder, Pennsylvania
RANK: Corporal
COMPANY: View image
1893- Appointed Messenger
Juniata Sentinel and Republican
(Mifflintown, Pennsylvania)
11 Jan 1893, Wed • First Edition
1894 -School Director
10 Apr
Age: 50
JA Lumbard a school director
1896- 30th Wedding Anniversary Celebration
19 Jun
Age: 52
See their 30th anniversary family photo, labeled, here:
1896 -Clerk to Committee On War Claims
Age: 52
Joseph A Lumbard appointed clerk to committee on War Claims for the 54th Congress
Soldiers Gather at Orchard Knob. Thousands of Ve'erans Attend the Dedicatory Ceremonies of Several Monuments
1899 - 33rd Wedding Anniversary
Age: 55
1900 -Bean Soup Reunion
13 Sep
Age: 56
1900 - Residence
Age: 56
Selinsgrove borough, Snyder, Pennsylvania
Add Media
1 Source
Age: 56
Selinsgrove borough, Snyder, Pennsylvania
AME: Joseph A Lumbard
[Joseph W Lumbard]
AGE: 56
BIRTH DATE: Jan 1844
BIRTHPLACE: Pennsylvania
HOME IN 1900: Selinsgrove, Snyder, Pennsylvania
RACE: White
SPOUSE'S NAME: Sarah E Lumbard
OCCUPATION: View on Image
NEIGHBORS: View others on page
Joseph A Lumbard 56
Sarah E Lumbard 54
1900, June - Sarah Visits Daughter Maude
The Middleburgh Post
(Middleburg, Pennsylvania)
30 Jul 1903, Thu • First Edition
Miles I Potter was the son in law of JA Lumbard - he married her oldest daughter, Lucy.
1906 - still publishing History
Men and Matters About the State
1915 - Joseph Died
Download a copy of his will here: https://copy.com/zwg3zFaAthLRkSK1
From the Snyder County Tribune.
"Veteran and Former. Editor of the Snyder County Tribune Died Suddenly.
Joseph A. Lumbard, Editor "Of the Tribune for 40 years Dies of Apoplexy, Aged 71 Years
Hon. Joseph A. Lumbard, for forty years the editor and publisher of the Snyder County tribune, the oldest Republican paper in the county, and one of the leading periodicals of this section, died Friday morning, December 3rd aged 71 years, 10 months and 28 days. His lifeless body was found in the stable by his wife, at about eleven o'clock. Apoplexy (Stroke) was the cause of his death.
As a citizen Mr. Lumbard held a high reputation; his patriotism demonstrated at an early age, as a soldier in the Union Army. He was but a boy of eighteen when, on September 13, 1862 he enlisted for three years in Captain Davis' famous Company "G" volunteers. This band of recruits was attached to the 147th Regt. PVI and saw much severe fighting, ending their service as part of the force that marched from Atlanta to the sea with Sherman. Mr. Lumbard participated in all the important battles of his regiment and he was wounded at Settysburg. Mr. Lumbard was born January 5th, 1844, at Selinsgrove, where he received a common school education. On April 2nd, 1860, he became an apprentice in "the Office of the Selinsgrove Times, published by Newhall and Weirick but his work there was interrupted by his military service. After the war closed he returned to Snyder County, and on October 22nd, 1865, he took the position of foremanship on the Snyder County Tribune, then published at Middleburg. In October, 1866, he acquired a part-ownership in the paper, becoming its editor and publisher in 1874. The office was destroyed in the great fire of February 22nd, 1872, and unfortunately there was no insurance, as the paper had been moved from Middleburg to Selinsgrove, and the insurance had not yet been transferred, when the fire destroyed the plant. Nothing daunted, however, by the mishap, it's owners purchased new material and in two weeks from the time of the fore the Tribune was again issued. When Mr. Lumbard took charge of the paper it was a six-volume journal, printed on a Washington "hand press; he soon installed modern machinery and tripled it's circulation. Mr. Lumbard was vigorous writer, positive in his character, and was ever ready to defend the right as he saw it. Editor Lumbard was one of the few newspaper men who was able to set up his editorials and local, and matter without copy. After a continuous service of nearly fifty years with the Tribune as foreman and editor Lumbard disposed of his interest to Messrs. g. J. Phillips and Harry A. Coryell, July 1913. Since that time has lived retired with his wife, who survives him. In political life he was an active and influential worker, and held a number of important public positions, all of which he filled with credit. In 1877 he was appointed one of the associated Judges for Snyder county, Vice Hon. Daniel Gemberling, deceased, and in 1882 and 1890, he held appointments in the State Legislature. In 1893, he was messenger in the state Senate, and in 1893, he was appointed clerk to the Committee on War Claims for the Fifty fourth Congress. He was school director for thirteen years, and for five years was president of the board and he also served one term in the town council. he was chairman of the , Republican County Committee, and twice served in the capacity of delegate to the Republican State Convention. On June 19th, 1866 Editor Lumbard was married to Miss Sara E. Scharf, and their union has been blessed with five children, four daughter and son, all of whom are married: Mrs. John E. Shaffer, of Sunbury; Mrs. Miles I. Potter, of Middleburg; Mrs. G. Frank Bosum of Mifflin; and Mrs. Murray smith, of Sunbury; and Geo. M. Lumbard, of Pottsgrove. ( Laura, George Meade 1874, Lucy J. 1867, Annie M. 1869, Maude V. 1871 and Sarah 1878). Funeral services were held at his late residence on east Pine Street Monday afternoon. His Pastor, Rev. Charles Leonard, assisted by Dr. D. B. Floyd, officiated. He was an active and faithful member of Trinity Lutheran church and Sunday school for many years and will be greatly missed by that congregation. For about thirty years he was a teacher in the Sunday school, the members of his class acting as pallbearers, while his comrades for Company "G" were the honorary pallbearers."
Joseph kept a diary during the Civil War which detailed all the battles and the day to day trials of many of the boys in Company "G"
From the Times – Vol. 94 No. 48
Joseph A. Lumbard Succumbed To Stroke
Stricken Friday While Doing Carpenter Work at His Isle of Que Home
Services On Monday
Prominent In County G.A.R. Circles and Forty-Seven Years Editor of Tribune
Joseph Asher Lumbard, a leading spirit in Snyder county Grand Army activities until the time of his death and for forty-seven years editor of the Snyder County Tribune and a Republican director in county politics, was buried Monday afternoon in the First Lutheran cemetery, following services from his late home on the Isle Of Que.
The obsequies were conducted by his pastor Rev. Charles Leonard assisted by Rev. David Bittle Floyd. The last rites of the Grand Army of the pronounced over the body of their departed brother by members of the local post and affiliates from other posts in the county.
Mr. Lumbard was taken off unexpectedly Friday noon, while doing some carpentry work at his home. He had failed in health considerably since July, 1913 when he retired from active newspaper work, but his condition, during the last several months of his life was not such as would have led to the believe he would not live several more years.
Mr. Lumbard was a native of Selinsgrove, born January 5, 1844. At the age of sixteen years be entered the office of The Selinsgrove Times as an apprentice but quit that position the following year when he went to the front as a member Company G 147 Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry.
He returned from the war a Republican, and in 1866 became editor of the Snyder County Tribune, which plant he removed from Middleburg to Selinsgrove during the years was the head of that newspaper made his influence felt throughout the county, and was frequently an important factor in the senatorial and congressional districts. He was a hard fighter and usually won.
One of his greatest joys was working for the Grand Army, and it was due in large measure to his efforts that so many successful memorial events were held in Snyder County.
In 1877 he was appointed an associate Judge of Snyder county. In 1882 be was appointed as a clerk in the state Legislature a position he held until 1889. In 1893 be was appointed a messenger in the state
Senate and he held this position for three years. In 1896 he was pointed a clerk in the war claims department at Washington and remained in this position for one year. He retired from, active business in 1913.
He had held many minor offices in Selinsgrove and was one of the most active members of the Trinity Lutheran church. He is survived by his widow and the following son and daughters: Mrs. Murray Smith Sunbury; Mrs. Miles I. Potter Middleburg Mrs. John E. Shaffer, Sunbury;
Mrs. .G. Frank Bosum, Mifflin and George M. Lumbard of Danville
Name: Joseph Asher Lumbard
Gender: Male
Race: White
Age: 72
Birth Date: 5 Jan 1844
Birth Place: Selinsgrove
Death Date: 3 Dec 1915
Death Place: Selinsgrove, Snyder, Pennsylvania, USA
Father Name: Josiah Lumbard
Father Birth Place: Maine
Mother Name: Mary Ann Stomn
Mother Birth Place: Selinsgrove
Certificate Number: 119166
More Resources:
In the Daily Life In Civil War America, on page 227 this citation is given:
"Voices: [Gettysburg], Pvt Joseph A. Lumbard, 147th PA Infantry, 41"
Page 41 is not available in the google books preview.
Volume II
1851 * 1920
Compiled by William Marion
Secretary, Snyder County Historical Society;
Copyrighted 1918-1929
Reprinted from The Selinsgrove Times, Selinsgrove, Pa. 1929
Apr. 2 — Joseph A. Lumbard starts
as an apprentice in the office of the
' Selinsgrove Times" urrder Newhall
and Weirick.
The "Tribune" removed from Mid-
dleburg by Joseph Lumbard and re-
named "The Snyder County Tribune,"
being published one door north of the
Keystone Hotel.
check - connection to Anna Laura Keller? -
Five canal boats on the stocks at
the George W. Keller Boat Yard, along
"The Snyder County Tribune'' an-
nounces Lumbard, Lazarus & Co. as
the editors.
Selinsgrove invited to raise $15,0001 by Richter & Gaugler.
toward the locating of a car works atj 1— J- A. Lumbard, local confi
this place, but promoters fail to se- at Sunbury, at Conference whicb fail
cure same.
24 — A Cameron-Grant-Hartranft-Al
len Club organized by admiring politi
cal supporters. J. A. Lumbard, presi-
20 — Republican Senatorial Confer-
ence at Sunbury. Dr. Levi Rooke, of
Union county, defeats Samuel Alle-
man, Esq., of Selinsgrove, on the 18th
ballot. Col. W. F. Wagenseller, James
K. Davis and J. A. Lumbard, of Selins-
grove, conferees from Snyder county,
the latter being one of the secretaries
of the meeting.
Feb - Firm of Lumbard and Lazarus dis-
solved and J. A. Lumbard becomes
owner of the Snyder County Tribune.
September 17 — J. A. Lumbard responds to the
toast for the 147th P. V. I. at the An-
nual Reunion at Ellanova Springs near
June 19 — Republican County Convention.
J. A. Lumbard, temporary chairman,
and Dr. B. F. Wagenseller nominated
for Senator.
April 10 — Borough officials: Chief Burgess,
L. R. Hummel; town council. C. R.
Rishel, John Fry, Jonathan Rudy, Robt.
Swineford, Al. Kreeger; judge of elec-
tion, G. R. Hendricks; inspectors, B. F.
Kantz, C. B. Miller; assessor, B. T.
Parks; school directors, J. A. Lumbard,
H. E. McCelvey; overseers of poor, Hen-
ry Hoover, James Covert ; auditor, New-
ton Staley; constable, Walt. Hummel.
September 6 Joseph Lumbard becomes Associate
November 29 — Corp. J. A. Lumbard givse a lec-
ture on "Echoes of the Battlefields of
the Rebellion," in Odd Fellows' Hall
for the benefit of Co. G.
September 13 — Co. G celebrates the 16th anni-
versary of their leaving for the front
by gathering for the day at the home
of Corp. J. A. Lumbard on East Pine
street, Isle of Que.
April 13 — Borough officials: Chief burgess,
Sam'l. Hatmaker; town council, P. S.
Albert. Jonathan Rudy. B. T. Parks.
Geo. Fisher, Albert Marburger; judge
of election, Joseph Albert; inspectors,
Wm. M. Curns. N. F. Feehrer; assessor,
'• James M. Emerson ; school directors,
H. E. McKelvey, J. A. Lumbard; over-
seers of the poor, John Fry, John
Pa r Rs: auditors, A. M. Carey: eon-
: stable. Walt. Hummel.
The Governor Snyder Monument As-
sociation formed at a meeting held in
the I. O. O. F. Hall. Committee on or-
ganization as follows: E. P. Rohbach.
C. P. Ulrich, G. R. Hendricks, W. O.
Holmes, Z. S. Kee'ey, George Schnure,
J. K. Davis, H. Allerran, P. S. Albert,
J. W. Gaugler, B. T. Parks, B. F. Van-
Bo^kirk, F. J. Schoch, C. B. North. B.
F. Crouse, J. A. Lumbard and F. Weir-
Apr. 10 — Borough officials: Chief
burgess, B. F. Wagenseller; town coun-
cil, D. C. Bergstresser, A. N. Gember-
ling, C. B. North, P. S. Albert, Ed.
Haupt; judge of election, G. R. Hen-
dricks; inspectors, B. T. Parks, N. S.
Feehrer; assessor, W. F. Eckbert; school
directors, J. A. Lumbard, W. F. Hum-
mel; overseers of poor, Wm. Crist, Levi
Fisher; auditor, Joseph Albert; con-
stable, Adam Willier.
12 — Musical Convention in Hall. Ad-
dresses made by Revs. Ochsenford,
Haas, Wampole and Yutzy, also Messrs.
Carey, Lumbard and Potter.
September 25 — J. A. Lumbard president of big
Republican Rally at Middleburg.
Aug. — Miss Anne Alleman rescued
from drowning in canal by George M.
Dec J. A. Lumbard appointed messenger
in State Senate.
Joseph A. Lumbard appointed clerk to
Committee on War Claims for the 54th
15 — The evening "Shifter" connection
with the N. C. R. at the Junction taken
off and shifter removed from local yard
amid vigorous protests by the public in
17 — Geo. M. Lumbard leases the Mas-
ser Estate Ferry to carry passengers
from the Junction to town in the ab-
sence of the N. C. R. connection for-
merly made by the "Shifter."
The new schedule of the S. & L. R. R.
goes into effect and the "Shifter" run-
neth not to the great discomfort of
the traveling public. All freight trains
on the S. & L. R. R. run thru to lower
yard, Sunbury.
April — German Reformed Church 9 — Yacht Races. Frank and Chas.
buys lot on Mill street and plans for McFall rescued from capsized yacht by
the building of a parsonage. Geo. M. Lumbard.
February 25 — Voting place for Selinsgrove
changed from Town Hall (Opera
House) to the Council Chambers in En-
gine House. Court also appoints Geo.
M. Lumbard high constable.
April 13 Gun Club Shoot. G. M. Lumbard
high average gun.
13 — Co. G holds its Annual Bean Soup on J. A. Lumbard's lawn, Third
In 1890 the bean soup was held in Grangers Hollow - Co. G, 147th P. V. I., holds annual
bean soup in Granger's Hollow.
In September 1893 13 — Co. "G" holds annual Bean Soup
at Globe Mills in Antes Ulrich's grove
In 1894 - 13 — Co. "G" holds annual bean soup
at Samuel App's farm above town.
In 1895 - 13 — Co. "G" holds annual Bean Soup
at Jarrett's Grove, west of town.
In 1896 - 12 — Co. "G" holds annual bean soup
at Ulrich's Spring with eleven members
In 1897 - 13 — Co. "G" holds annual bean soup
at the Maine saw mill, with 16 mem-
bers present.
In 1898 - 7 — Co. "G" holds bean soup on local
base ball grounds.
In 1904 - 13 — Co. G holds annual Bean Soup 66.
in Jerry App's orchard above town
In 1905 - 13 — Co. G holds annual Bean Soup
in Jerry App's orchard above town.
In 1906 13— Co. G holds Annual Bean Soup at Rolling Green Park
In 1910 - 13 — Co. G Bean Soup and Reunion
of the G. A. R. of the Susquehanna
and Juniata Valleys held at Rolling
Green. Governor Stone, Adjutant Gen.
Stewart and other prominent men
In 1914 - Co. G, 147th P. V. I., and friends attend Annual Bean Soup at the Park. Receivers of the S. & S. Electric
June 19 — Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Lumbard cele-
brate their 45th wedding anniversary
and are the recipients of a letter from
President Wm. H. Taft.
Dec. 3 — Death of J. A. Lumbard.
Corp. Co. G, 147th P. V. I., former
Editor and proprietor of "The Snyder
County Tribune" and Republican poli-
tician. Age 71 years, 11 months, 4 days

Heather, I have the last will and testament of Joseph A. Lumbard and also that of his Mother Mary Ann Duck. Quite interesting. I will try to get them to you some time in the future.