SCHWENKFELDER MARRIAGE RECORDS 1766-1805 The following list of marriages was compiled from original records in the Schwenkfelder Historical Library. It has been published in the "Genealogical Record of the Schwenkfelder Families: Seekers of Religious Liberty who Fled from Silesia to Saxony and thence to Pennsylvania in the Years 1731 to 1737". Edited by Samuel Kriebel Brecht, A.M. Printed for The Board of Publication of the Schwenkfelder Church, Pennsburg, Pennsylvania. Rand McNally & Company. 1923. [NOTE: German female Surnames often added the feminine "in" ending. e.g., Jaekelin in the masculine form would be Jaekel.] Married by Rev. Christopher Schultz: Christoph Meschter Hereford Christina Jaeklin May 6, 1766 George Jaekel Upper Milford Rosina Schubertin May 5, 1768 Balthaser Schultz Upper Hanover Anna Jaekelin Nov. 24 1768 Balthaser Krause Upper Milford Susanna Jaekelin Juny* 15 1769 George Dresher Towamencin Maria Jaekelin Octob. 23, 1770 Christoph Schultz, Jun. U. Hanover Maria Jaekelin Apr. 25, 1771 Abraham Schultz U. Hanover Regina Jaekelin Octob. 24, 1771 George Kriebel Salford Esther Wiegnerin Octob. 15, 1772 Melchior Kriebel Gwineth Rosina Huebnerin Octob. 28, 1772 Christopher Meschter Towamencin Rosina Kriebelin Octob. 21, 1773 Melchior Meschter Hereford Anna Maria Zollerin Nov. 24, 1774 Melchior Schubert Chestnut Hill Maria Krausin May 30, 1775 Caspar Jaekkel Hereford Anna Jaekkelin Aug 10, 1775 Matthews Gerhard U. Hanover Maria Krausin Nov 14, 1776 Gregorius Schultz U. Hanover Rosina Jaekkelin May 1, 1777 Abraham Kriebel Salford Rosina Hartranfftin Feb. 12, 1778 Matthews Gerhard U. Milford Anna Jaekkelin Feb. 11, 1779 Jeremias Kribel Salford Anna Rosina Jaekkelin Nov 11, 1779 Melchior Schultz U. Hanover Salome Wagnerin Nov 29, 1781 Christoph Jaekkel Chestnut Hill Susanna Kriebelin Juny* 6, 1782 George Schneider Gwyneth Susanna Wiegnerin Apr. 25, 1784 Abraham Kriebel U. Milford Salome Jaeckelin Apr. 29, 1784 Christoph Neumann U. Hanover Rosina Wiegnerin May 11, 1786 David Jaeckel U. Hanover Anna Kriebelin Nov. 29, 1787 Isaac Jaeckel Hereford Susanna Andersin Apr. 24, 1788 Jacob Kriebel U. Milford Lydia Jaeckelin May 29, 1788 Married by Rev. Christoph Kriebel: Melchior Jaekel U. Milford Regina Schultzin Nov. 15, 1770 Andreas Kriebel Salford Susanna Jaekelin May 31, 1771 George Heebner Worcester Anna Schubertin Nov. 21, 1771 David Schultz U. Hanover Catharine Haerteranfftin Oct. 6, 1772 Abraham Jaekkel Chestnut Hill Sarah Wagnerin Oct. 8, 1776 Andreas Schultz Hereford Charlotte Jaekkelin Nov. 21, 1776 Jacob Jaekkel U. Hanover Susanna Schultzin May 7, 1778 Melchior Kribel Gwineth Barbara Schubertin Nov. 25, 1779 Abraham Anders Towamencin Esther Jaeckelin May 27, 1784 Abraham Dresher Towamencin Susanna Seibtin May 22, 1787 Married by Rev. Christopher Hoffman: George Schneider Gwineth Rosina Andersin 1780 David Schultz Hereford Anna Kriebelin May 17, 1781 Christoph Schneider Gwineth Susanna Heidrichin April 11, 1782 CHristoph Kriebel Gwyneth Susanna Wiegnerin Aug. 17, 1784 Henrich Schneider Gwyneth Regina Reinwaldin May 10, 1785 Andreas Anders Towamencin Sarah Reinwaldin Sept. 6, 1787 Abr. Kriebel Lower Salford Eva Heydrichen Apr. 17, 1788 (Worcester) Christian Schneider Gwyneth Susanna Reinwaldin Nov. 4, 1788 Abraham Huebner Worcester Christina Wagnerin May 11, 1790 Edmund Flinn L. Salford Maria Wiegnerin Oct. 7, 1790 George Anders Towamencin Catharina Jaeckelin May 2, 1793 Andreas Kriebel Towamencin Maria Huebnerin Oct. 31, 1793 Abraham Wiegner Worcester Susanna Schneiderin May 1, 1794 Abraham Jaeckel Towamencin Sarah Heidrichen May 8, 1794 Christoph Kriebel Worcester Rosina Seibtin Oct. 30, 1794 Johannes Wiegner Worcester Rosina Kriebelin Sept. 10, 1795 Jacob Gerhardt U. Hanover Helena Krausin Nov. 21, 1795 Benjamin Anders Worcester Salome Jaeckelin June 21, 1796 Abraham Seibt Towamencin Anna Andersin Nov. 21, 1799 Christoph Dresher Upper Dublin Anna Andersin Nov. 28, 1799 Johannes Anders Towamencin Regina Meschterin Oct. 23, 1800 Adam Schultz Upper Hanover Regina Kriebelin May 21, 1801 Abraham Kriebel Lower Salford Christina Kriebelin June 4, 1801 Samuel Drescher Upper Dublin Anna Kriebelin Oct. 22, 1801 Samuel Kriebel Lower Salford Christina Schultzin June 3, 1802 Abraham Anders Worcester Susanna Dresherin Nov. 25, 1802 Married by Rev. George Kriebel: Balthasar Huebner Worcester Susanna Schultzin May 20, 1794 Jeremias Krauss Upper Hanover Regina Krausin June 17, 1794 Johannes Schultz Upper Hanover Regina Hueberin May 24, 1796 Andreas Krauss Upper Milford Susanna Schultzin Nov. 30, 1797 Andreas Jaeckel Upper Milford Maria Jaeckelin May 1, 1798 Jacob Schultz Upper Hanover Magdelena Gerhardtin April 11, 1799 George Heidrich Lower Salford Susanna Jaekelin Nov. 14, 1799 Jacob Schneider Gwyneth Eva Schultzin Nov. 19, 1799 George Schultz Upper Hanover Barbara Jaekelin May 29, 1800 Isaac Jaekel Springfield Regina Schultzin Nov. 4, 1800 Matthews Gerhardt Upper Hanover Esther Jaekelin May 24, 1803 Matthews Schultz Upper Hanover Christina Jaekelin May 26, 1803 David Jaekel Upper Milford Susanna Schultzin Oct. 27, 1803 Christoph Schultz Hereford Susanna Jaekelin May 29, 1804 Isaac Schultz Upper Hanover Susanna Schultzin May 31, 1804 Samuel Schultz Upper Hanover Rosina Jaekelin May 9, 1805 George Krauss Upper Milford Maria Schultzin May 21, 1805 Married by Rev. Melchior Kriebel: George Heiderich Lower Salford Susanna Kriebelin May 15, 1804 Isaac Kriebel Lower Salford Regina Schultzin Nov. 1, 1804 *I presume this means June, but have reproduced it as it appears in the Schwenkfelder book. NOTE: Jackel, Jakel, Jakkel [with umlaut over the 'a'] became Yeakle; and, Hubner [with umlaut over the 'u'] became Heebner.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Schwenkfelder Marriage Customs
When a young couple had finally decided to sail down life's stream together the next step was to go to some Justice of the Peace or church minister and have the cere- mony performed.
Considerable intermarrying took place. Thus the present writer can refer to 25 ancestors whocame to Pennsylvania on the ship St. Andrew in 1734- In most cases the bridegroom, however, would go to the minister and declare their intentions in order that the same might be announced in open meeting. This was repeated several times during which period the minister met the groom and bride several times and instructed them on Christian doctrine and particularly on the duties of married life.
The important day having come, the in- vited guests assembled at the house of the bride and awaited the minister. Regular religious services were conducted including prayer, singing and a sermon, upon which the ceremony followed and the twain were pro- nounced one. At the marriage feast which followed the *' Schwenkfelder cake " was not missing, neither were the poor forgotten. From the table bountifully laden, the baskets were filled and members of the family dispatched to the unfortunate. Drinking, dancing and other doubt- ful doings were not permitted.
At times the pastor would remember the new couple by sending them a letter rich withsound precepts. At one time a regulation was adopted that if members of the society were not married by the regular ministers, a confession expressive of regret at the irregular step would have to be made in open meeting Then all steps in life were regarded sacred and entrance into the married relation one of the most sacred of all.
The young bride had — perhaps for years — been mak- ing preparations for her duties as wife and mistress of the future home. She had saved the rags — in recent decades at least — and cut them into strips to be woven into carpetby father or brother. She had made the spinning wheel hum and had prepared her thread and warp and woof for her linen and linsey-woolsey. She had probably worked her samplers to ornament the spare-room, rich in a variety of colors, filled with curious shaped animals, ornamented letters and figures or perhaps even with the reproduction of bits of landscape. She had in readiness several changes of bed linen complete with quilts, comfortables and feather-bed and coverlets displaying all the colors of the rainbow arranged in designs more or less artistic. Perchance she had even started to collect her family treasure of shining pewter or queensware ornamented with letters, figures, etc. She had learned to make her own soap, to cook and bake and, what was a pride of her heart, to make a Schwenkfelder cake. This was a risen cake, spread by rolling pin, flavored by saffron, and crowned by sweetened crumbs, as wide as the oven door or baker's tools would warrant and baked in the old-fashioned bake-oven. Sadto say the fame of the cakes at times went farther than the fame of the bakers themselves. It is probable that these cakes originated in Silesia for there to this day does the busy housewife bake the same cake called Streiiselkuchen.
Page 169-170
The Schwenkfelders in Pennsylvania a historical sketch.
Prepared at the request of the Pennsylvania-German Society, by Howard Wiegner Kriebel. Illustrated by Julius F. Sachse
Schwenkfelder Cake
Step 1-6 P.M.
1 cup mashed potatoes
1/2 cup sugar
1 pgk. yeast
1/2 cup water in which potatoes have been cooked
Step II 9 P.M.
1/4 cup hot water
1/4 tsp. saffron
1 cup warm milk
1/2 cup lard
1 egg
1 cup sugar
1/2 tsp. salt
2 cups flour
Step III- next morning
6 cups flour
1 cup flour
1 cup light brown sugar
1/3 cup lard
1 tsp. cinnamon
Step I
At supper time make a sponge by dissolving yeast in 1/2 cup lukewarm potato
water.....Add to mashed potatoes and sugar that have been mixed
together.......Cover and let set in a warm place for 3 hours.
Step II
After the sponge has set for 3 hours, pour hot water on saffron and let set
few minutes........Meanwhile, soften the lard in warm milk........Add it to
egg, beaten with the sugar and salt..........Slowly pour in the saffron
without using saffron......Add this and 2 cups flour to potato sponge and
until smooth........Cover and let rise overnight in a 75 degree temperature,
free from draft.
Step III
In the morning, add the 6 cups of flour and more if necessary to
handle.......Knead until smooth......Roll out dough into two sheet cakes,
1/3 inch
thick........Place on cookie sheets and cover with a cloth to rise 1/2
hour........Rub together the four ingredients to make the crumbs.......When
cakes are
risen, heat oven to 350 degrees.Brush top of cake with cream or melted
butter...Cover cakes with crumbs..Bake 20 to 25 minutes.
This recipe is from page 41 of Pennsylvania Folklife, July 1964 issue which covered the Folk Festival in Kutztown. It is from an article written by Edna Eby Heller called "Saffron Cookery." It says in the article that Schwenkfelder cakes date "back to the first Silesian Schwenkfelders who came to Pennsylvania in 1734. Perhaps its origin is connected with the fact that before their migration a Schwenkfelder family had operated a saffron warehouse in Holland." (p 41) The article goes on to say that Schwenkfelder cake is like a coffee cake.
"These delicious cakes have been traditional wedding cakes of the Schwenkfelder people, a religious sect who came from Silesia in 1733 and settled in the Perkiomen Valley. We do thank them for sharing with the rest of the Pennsylvania Dutch this recipe. You will want to share some of your Schwenkfelder cake, too. It makes an excellent coffee cake" Dutch Cookbook Vol. II by Edna Eby Heller
Colonial period prenuptial agreement written by Schwenkfelder immigrant Christopher Schultz (1718-1789) in 1744October 6, 1744 God with us in grace. In the name of the Holy Trinity be our beginning, middle, and end.The following presents an appropriate notice and attestation of my will, in view of the fact that, namely, I, Christoph Scholtz, in love with and betrothed to the now living youngest daughter of the late Balthasar Yeakel of Ober Harpersdorf, Silesia, by name, Rosina Yeakel, with consent of the nearest relatives on both sides and of the mother, am about to begin a Christian (and as I hope) honourable matrimonial undertaking. And although I purposed (with divine help and support) in the presence of us both to conduct myself as is becoming for a fiance and husband toward his most beloved, namely, to provide for, to protect, and to show her all love and faithfulness, in like manner I also hope and confidently expect such from her.But we are weak and mortal and do not know how far we may bring our life in our purposed state. Should it happen that God in His wise counsel and will, should in a short time call me from this world, I herewith let it be known and affirm, also by consent of my brothers (because they accept her as a sister-in-law) what they shall give her as my beloved, according to praiseworthy custom and order, as a dowry, namely, twenty pounds lawful Pennsylvania money. It is my irrevocable will that such be established as a dowry.I beg of you, my highly esteemed Rosina and fiance, that you be content with this small sum, although we wish that it may not happen. And herewith I commend you and myself into the protection of the Most High.Your in love united and betrothed friend and fiance,Christoph ScholtzDone in Upper Hanover October 6, 1744 Geo. Scholtz Melchior Scholtz
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